Ada Support

Onboard a top performing AI Agent

Resolve more customer service inquiries with an AI Agent that uses knowledge of your company, products, and policies to craft resolutions as unique as the customer it's serving

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Upgrade from a scripted chatbot to an AI Agent

Instead of following a script, your AI Agent actually reasons to figure out how to best resolve an inquiry, even the most complex ones.

Scripted Chatbot

Scripted Chatbot

Typical chatbots follow a predefined workflow. Every possible customer problem has to be planned for, built, and maintained over time. They follow scripts and steps, and they can't deviate from the script to creatively solve a problem.

AI Agent

AI Agent

Rather than try to anticipate and build a script for every resolution path, your AI Agent reasons through a problem and identifies the best step to take. It references company knowledge, policies, and data from business systems to solve a unique situation.

AI you can trust

Your AI Agent runs every response through proprietary safety filters powered by Ada’s Customer Service LLM to ensure they’re safe, accurate, and relevant. If they don’t pass Ada’s stringent quality checks, they’re reprocessed to find an alternative.


Onboard an AI Agent like you would a new hire

Your AI Agent has the skills to quickly learn about your company and product suite and take action to resolve inquiries, even the most complex ones.

Your AI Agent...

Connects with business systems to perform complex tasks

Set up integrations in minutes using plain language (no code required), and your AI agent is ready to perform tasks. Specify the data your AI Agent should retrieve, when it should be used, and when to update data across systems — just like human agents do.

Your AI Agent...

Retrieves information from thousands of knowledge sources

In minutes, your AI Agent can learn every detail of your help center, every fact on your website, or even every word of your product manuals. Automatic content syncing means it’s always using accurate, up-to-date information.

Your AI Agent...

Speaks your language and aligns with your brand

Your AI Agent is your brand personified, and will talk to customers using your unique voice and personality. You can guide its tone with options like Playful or Sophisticated, select the emojis it can use, and teach it terms unique to your company.

Your AI Agent...

Can bring a specialized human into the conversation

When a human touch is needed, your AI Agent will find the best person to help and seamlessly transfer the conversation. Ada integrates with leading customer experience platforms like Dixa, Salesforce, Zendesk, Five9, and more.


Don’t just take it from us

“Our AI Agent pulls from different data sources and articles, and combines that together into a sensible response. I’m impressed that the AI Agent is able to think through the end result that the user is looking to accomplish and pull the specific sections of the Help Center articles to accomplish that goal. So it's far more than just surfacing facts, it's providing actual intelligent resolutions for users.”

Portrait of Jimmy Sullivan
Jimmy Sullivan
Manager of Digital Support
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“The generative AI Agent has changed the face of our virtual assistant. With the ability to answer more complex and contextual questions with ease we're able to deflect more tickets away from live agents. Simultaneously, as Ada releases more features, we're better able to guide those responses and create an even better client experience.”

Portrait of Megan Myke
Megan Myke
CX-Ops Associate at Wealthsimple
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Onboard a top-performing AI Agent in minutes.

An AI-powered platform build for CX teams

Discover the power of an AI Agent for your business.

See all Case Studies
increase in Automated Resolution
10 pt
increase in CSAT

Based on Automated Resolutions, our AI Agent is equivalent to 10 full time agents. We’re not reducing our headcount. We’re reinvesting those agents into our business. The agent time savings we’ve realized by implementing Ada has allowed us to form a ‘gold glove’ team for our top tier of clients.

Portrait of Christine Farrugia
Christine Farrugia
VP Client Experience & Strategy
Read Wealthsimple's Case Study