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13 questions to ask before paying for Automated Resolutions

By now, a few agent platforms have caught up to the fact that AI-first customer service needs better and more accurate metrics — containment just doesn’t cut it anymore. They’ve started introducing their own versions of Automated Resolution (AR).

Given it’s a new metric, there’s still no standardization across customer service automation solutions. If you’re in the market for an AI Agent, the lack of standardization can get confusing and it makes it hard to evaluate your options.

Don’t worry, we got you covered.

We put together a list of 13 essential questions to ask before paying for Automated Resolution. These questions help you understand:

  • How the vendor is defining AR
  • How the vendor’s AI Agent is validating AR
  • What to consider before choosing an AR-based pricing model
  • How to use AR for growth

13 questions to ask before paying for Automated Resolutions