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Understanding and preventing AI agent hallucinations

Despite the undeniable positive impact that AI agents have had on customer service, hallucination horror stories still prevent executives from fully embracing the shift.

But what causes hallucinations, and are there steps you can take to deploy a more trustworthy and reliable AI agent?

To answer these questions, we brought together 3 speakers whose various areas of expertise address the issue of AI hallucinations from a different angle. Join:

  • Yochai Konig, Vice President, Machine Learning & AI at Ada, who breaks down why AI agents hallucinate and what kind of mechanisms we’ve designed in Ada to create a more reliable AI agent.
  • Yogi Bhatnagar, a Senior Customer Solutions Consultant at Ada, who talks about practical levers Customer Service teams can pull to increase trust in the AI agent.
  • Ankur Rastogi, Applied AI Scientist at OpenAI, who speaks to the steps OpenAI is taking to eliminate risk for enterprise companies.

If hallucinations are still holding you back, this roundtable discussion will provide you with the well-rounded confidence to step into the future of customer service.